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Esperanza Cintron recalls her fear of city protectors when she was an adolescent in July, 1967.

Eva Amine was 12 years old in July of 1967. She remembers her grandfather determination to keep his store open and provide food for the people of Detroit.

Gary McDonald and his family moved to the city from Bloomfield Hills following the unrest of 1967 to take advantage of life in the city.

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Geneva Kachman remembers hearing about the unrest as a child when her family could not spend the day on Belle Isle. Instead, her family went home and watched the news about what was happening. She also includes a poem that references the unrest.

Ingrid Scott lived on Burlingame and Hamilton in July of 1967. She remembers staying home with her family and seeing the destruction of looting and arson.
Levinson describes his neighborhood in Northwest Detroit as an ideal place to raise a family and free from racial tensions. Levinson’s next door neighbor was Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, whose children he befriended. During the unrest he recalls the smoke…

In this interview, Jim Demres discusses his father, George Demres, and his work as a firefighter for the Detroit Fire Department in July 1967.

Joe Colton was 6 years old the summer of 1967. He was in the car with his mother and siblings with felt the need to drive to Dearborn for safety.

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In this interview, Harper discusses growing up in Detroit including life before, during, and after the 1967 disturbance. She tells the story of the death of her brother, who was shot by a National Guardsman, and the lasting effects of the event on…

Judith Zielke, whose father was Detroit Fireman, was 10 years old in July 1967. She remembers hearing bullets outside her house and how anxious her mother was.

Julian Witherspoon was 10 years old and lived between 12th Street and 14th Street.

Justine Smith was twelve years old working as a camp counselor and recalls memories of fear and uncertainty in July, 1967.

In this interview, Karen Miller discusses her memories of Detroit in the summer of 1967. She was a child who did not fully understand what was happening at the time but sees the lasting impacts in the city today.

Kevin Thrasher was a 9-year-old living on the east side of Detroit, patrolling his home in July, 1967.

Kim Hunter shares her experiences in 1967 as a young girl about to turn 13 years old. She remembers the media coverage and "two riots"

Leslie McKeever's father was a fireman in Detroit from 1946 to 1976. McKeever remembers him working during the week of July 23, 1967 and the family's eventual move to the suburbs despite the requirement for firemen to live within the city limits.
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