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  • Tags: Livernois

Allen Adinoff was 16 years old and living in Southfield, Michigan in July 1967.

Ann Bryne was a child in 1967 and remembers watching the adults around her react to what was happening that summer.

Barbara Ann Baldinger, St. Mary of Redford Graduation,  1970 001.jpg
Barbara Baldinger had just finished her freshman year of high school and was a Red Cross volunteer at a Head Start program at St. Cecilia School near Grand River and Livernois in July 1967.

In this interview, Thompson describes race relations in Detroit before, during, and after July 1967. She recalls the day she found out about the disturbance as she drove down Dexter toward Twelfth Street in her taxi. She then went home to care for…

Nancy Lombardo and her boyfriend were returning from a day trip when they hear about the unrest and they were told to go home.
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