Gene Bennet
Gene Bennet
Gene Bennet recalls various memories surrounding the events of June 1967.
Detroit Historical Society
Detroit Historical Society, Detroit, MI
Written Story
Driving north on I-75 Freeway to I-94 Freeway; Chrysler Factory on Lynch Road
One early Sunday afternoon my wife, my 2 kids and I were coming home from Cedar Point. As a speeder I usually drive 5 10 or 15 over the limit; driving a ‘63 Chrysler 300, it was very unusual to see anyone pass me. But driving up 75 and 94 at least a dozen cars passed me and each one had at least 5 or 6 Black males in it; no women or kids.
I worked at Chrysler’s Dodge forge on Lynch Rd on the midnight shift at the time. Late into the night, a friend and I climbed to the top of the loading tower for the power house to see Detroit lit up like a Christmas tree and listened to the gunfire. The next night my friend was down there on the street with the National Guard. At the time it made me wonder where all those guys that passed me on the freeway were going as there was nothing special going on that weekend downtown. But I often wondered if they didn't get something going on with the after-hours club.
I worked at Chrysler’s Dodge forge on Lynch Rd on the midnight shift at the time. Late into the night, a friend and I climbed to the top of the loading tower for the power house to see Detroit lit up like a Christmas tree and listened to the gunfire. The next night my friend was down there on the street with the National Guard. At the time it made me wonder where all those guys that passed me on the freeway were going as there was nothing special going on that weekend downtown. But I often wondered if they didn't get something going on with the after-hours club.
Original Format
email message
Submitter's Name
Gene Bennet
Submission Date
Search Terms
Cedar Point, Michigan National Guard, Chrysler, Lynch Road
“Gene Bennet,” Detroit Historical Society Oral History Archive, accessed February 17, 2025,