HomeAbout our Projects

About our Projects


Detroit Responds: Stories from the time of Covid-19 collects the experiences of Detroiters and Metro Detroiters during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Residents are encouraged to share their perspectives and how the pandemic has affected their lives. 

Neighborhoods: Where Detroit Lives collects stories about Detroit's neighborhoods by talking with the folks who know them best - the residents.

Detroit his made up of beautiful and diverse neighborhoods which each have there out story. The Society wants to preserve the rich character of the neighborhoods by interviewing the folks that make them what they are. Current and past residents are welcome to share the stories that defined their time in the neighborhoods. 

The Detroit 1967 Oral and Written History Project collects stories and memories of Metro Detroiters

that relate to their lives and experiences before, during, and after the unrest of July 1967. Who can participate?


Share your story. If you have memories about life in your neighborhood, Detroit in 1967, or how you're currently impacted by the COVID-19 Quarantine, sit down and record your memories for preservation. For prompts, please follow the link. If you want to share more, please email williamw@detroithistorical.org for more information. 

The field kit, which you can download here, contains all the information you need to participate in the Detroit HIsotical Society Oral History Projects, including information on how to prepare, what to ask during an interview, how to submit your interview to the project, which forms are required for submission, and which media and recording formats are acceptable. You may also want to download the full Transcription Style Guide.

If you have questions, contact the oral history project line at 313-833-7912 or email williamw@detroithistorical.org



Material on this website is made available to researchers and students. If this material is used to produce a product (book, poem, movie, theatrical piece, etc.), permission must be obtained from the Detroit Historical Society.


The Neighborhoods: Where Detroit Lives, the Detroit 1967 Project and the Oral and Written History Project, and Detroit: Quarantine2020 are initiatives of the Detroit Historical Society.