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Sue Schmittroth
Sue Schmittroth was a teenager who was staying in the cultural center of Detroit in July of 1967. She and her friends explored around the city during the unrest to quell their curiosity and got into more than one altercation with law enforcement.
Monica Stuhlwier, December 6th, 2016
In this interview, Stuhlwier discusses her experiences of the unrest as a Sister and teacher, as well as its lasting impact. She recollects looting, smoke, looming helicopters, and tanks and soldiers at Central High School where she was taking…
Ann Currier, January 31st, 2017
In this interview, Ms. Currier discusses her work at Trinity Church during July 1967.
Martha Rabaut, January 31st, 2017
In this interview, Rabaut recalls her memories of the summer of 1967 when she worked with a program set up by the diocese to help residents of Detroit. She and her fellow volunteers would hold liturgies in their building and she remembers the…
Melvin Dismukes, August 3rd, 2017
In this interview, Dismukes discusses his childhood growing up in the Jeffries Projects and the many jobs he had. He talks about his memories of the week of July 23, 1967 and specifically his memories of what he witnessed at the Algiers Motel and the…
John Korachis, July 20th, 2017
In this interview, Korachis recalls his childhood memories of growing up in Greece and his initial impressions of the city of Detroit. He talks about his time in the Detroit Public School system and his memories of interactions with fellow students.…
James Peters, August 4th, 2017
In this interview, James Peters discusses growing up in the Detroit metropolitan area and his service in the National Guard during the events of July 1967.
Karen Miller, July 27th, 2017
In this interview, Karen Miller discusses her memories of Detroit in the summer of 1967. She was a child who did not fully understand what was happening at the time but sees the lasting impacts in the city today.
Oliver Cole, April 21st, 2017
In this interview, Cole discusses growing up as a teenager in the city of Detroit. He remembers the city in the summer of 1967 but at the time was not aware of everything that happened. As he grew older, he realized the implications of that summer.