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  • Tags: Curfew

Nancy Lombardo and her boyfriend were returning from a day trip when they hear about the unrest and they were told to go home.

Paul Rentz had just graduated from high school and gotten a summer job in 1967. He remembers seeing the National Guardsmen and the destruction of the city.

In this interview, Hustoles describes driving her station wagon from her church, Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was a collection center for food and supplies, to distribution sites on and around 12th Street during the week of July 23, 1967. She…

In this interview, Van Buren discusses working in a de facto segregated hospital in Detroit in the 1960s and his recollections of the 1967 disturbance. He compares modern day society and race relations to what he experienced in the 1960s.

In this interview Dr. Karl Gregory discusses his time as an activist and educator in Detroit. Dr. Gregory covers the Northern High student walkout, the summer of 1967, the formation of New Detroit, and the Citywide Citizens Action Committee. He…

In this interview, Anthony discusses moving from St. Louis to Detroit, Kenneth Cockrel Sr., and the Big Four. He also discusses the challenges of activism within the church and his role working with the NAACP.

In this interview, DeYoung discusses her experiences of the 1967 disturbance and how it affected her life. Additionally, she speaks about her 35 year career at the Detroit Police Department and how the department, and the city, operated and changed…

In this interview, Perryman discusses growing up attending multi-racial parochial schools in the Detroit area, as well as a life-changing car accident and her role in the events of July 1967.

Michael David "Sandy" MacMechan discusses his experiences with Detroit growing up on the east side of Grosse Pointe, how he came to be an Air Policeman, and where he was when he heard about the unrest in 1967. Further, he explains his role as an Air…

In this interview, Ken and Carol Sopiak discuss their experience planning and then enjoying a traditional Polish Catholic wedding, reception, and Poprawiny in Detroit during the events of July 1967.

In this interview, Cynthia discusses her neighborhood relationships growing up, where she and her family were during the unrest and her particular memories of it. She also compares the events of 1967 to the 1943 riots, as well as discusses how the…
Marsha Greene discusses growing up in Detroit, first on the east side on Vernor Avenue, later on the west side in three different neighborhoods. She discussed highlights of her childhood including family, friends, and neighbors as well as her…

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In this interview, Katharine Burns discusses growing up in Detroit and her limited interaction with African Americans until she started working at the Lafayette Clinic. She also discusses the discrimination and the extreme disturbance in the city at…

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In this interview, Harper discusses growing up in Detroit including life before, during, and after the 1967 disturbance. She tells the story of the death of her brother, who was shot by a National Guardsman, and the lasting effects of the event on…

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In this interview Donna Palmer discusses her experiences living in Detroit over the past sixty years. From her childhood in Corktown to her apartment on Clairmount, Donna discusses her ups and downs in the city. Living only blocks away from Twelfth…

In this interview, Grant discusses growing up in Detroit, Michigan and the causes of the 1967 disturbance and her personal experiences during that week in July. Grant also looks back at her career as a social worker and at her decision to attend Law…

Cynthia Garner recalls her memories living with her family in 67 one block from Northwestern High School.

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In this interview, Stevens discusses his personal experiences selling ice to milk truck drivers servicing Detroit businesses during and after the 1967 civil disturbance. He also discusses attending high school in the multi-ethnic community in…
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