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- Tags: Curfew
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Sheldon Beck
Sheldon writes about what he experienced during July 1967.
Sue Scherwitz
Sue Scherwitz recounts the unusual details of her wedding which took place during the unrest on July 28, 1967.
Sue Schmittroth
Sue Schmittroth was a teenager who was staying in the cultural center of Detroit in July of 1967. She and her friends explored around the city during the unrest to quell their curiosity and got into more than one altercation with law enforcement.
Sue Wabeke
Sue Wabeke describes traveling within Detroit to and from work in July, 1967.
Tamara Perrin
Tamara Perrin worked for the Michigan Bell Telephone Company and was a single mother living above a white woman in July of 1967.
Ted Van Buren, March 19th, 2016
In this interview, Van Buren discusses working in a de facto segregated hospital in Detroit in the 1960s and his recollections of the 1967 disturbance. He compares modern day society and race relations to what he experienced in the 1960s.
Thomas Wilson, July 6th, 2016
In this interview, Wilson discusses moving to Detroit from West Virginia. He enjoyed growing up in a working neighborhood. He then moved to discussing the chaos of the civil disturbance on 1967. He provides examples of how the National Guard…
Tom Shipley
Tom Shipley was a student at Schoolcraft College who worked at a local gas station during the summer of 1967. He remembers the gas rationing and how his uncle asked his dad to bring alcohol for his workers who were accustomed to buying some after…
Venita Shelton-Mitchell
Venita Shelton-Mitchell was 14 years old and spent July 23, 1967 in Canada. When she returned, her bus was almost forbidden from crossing the border.