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  • Tags: FOCUS: Hope

In this interview, Hynes recalls his experience covering the unrest as a reporter for Channel 7 the day after the outbreak of the disturbance. He also discusses his interviews with local and state leaders in response to the unrest. Despite being…

In this interview, Sims discusses what it was like to grow up and go to school on the east side and her memory of the ’43 race riots. She recounts how she traveled various places going to school and teaching for nursing as well as various aspects of…

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In this interview, Rashid discusses social changes that occurred while growing up in his near west side neighborhood of Detroit as well as his own family’s experience during the 1967 civil disturbance, during which his father’s store was looted. He…

After spending the summer with FOCUS:Hope in Massachusetts, Jariegel and her family returned home to Detroit where they "strengthened their resolve to work harder for some understanding."

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In this interview, Joann Castle discusses how, as a suburban Catholic housewife, she was inspired by Father Bill Cunningham and his role in civil rights movement. Joann and her first husband decided to move into the Boston-Edison neighborhood of…

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In this interview, Pylar describes his upbringing in a white neighborhood on the east side of Detroit and what he witnessed during the unrest of 1967. He also provides a perspective of Detroit residents who were not directly affected by the unrest…

Markel discusses her experience of the unrest, which she refers to as a riot but concedes may also be categorized as an “uprising.” After being dropped off on the Marygrove campus in July 1967, her brother drove out of the city as quickly as possible…

In this interview, Hustoles describes driving her station wagon from her church, Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was a collection center for food and supplies, to distribution sites on and around 12th Street during the week of July 23, 1967. She…

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In this interview, Stevens discusses his personal experiences selling ice to milk truck drivers servicing Detroit businesses during and after the 1967 civil disturbance. He also discusses attending high school in the multi-ethnic community in…
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