Share Your Story
You can share your story in one of the following ways:
If you want your story to be a part of the collection, DO NOT select "Keep Identity Private". If you do, the Society will not use your contribution.
If you've got a written story or a short audio recording, submit it online.
Send us an email at
Call 313-833-7912 and leave us a message.
Write us a letter or mail us a CD/DVD/Bluray:
William Wall-Winkel
c/o Detroit Historical Society
5401 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
Please include your full name, email address and/or phone number on your submission. We may follow up with additional questions. Your name is required to contribute.
Please also note that, when you submit your story, you give the Detroit Historical Society permission to use, reproduce, exhibit, or publish your story as part of the Detroit 1967 Project.